Friday, June 2, 2017

And Another One!

It's June! Another the school year has come and gone. This time of the year yields sunshine, watermelons, and beach trips. School is out, the classroom is packed up, and it's time for you to enjoy yourself.

School districts, principals, and your children will find task after task for you to complete, but remember to make time for you. So many teachers fill up the summer with professional development and forget that it's supposed to be a break. So exactly how do you wind down?

Clear the Clutter

Every year it's tempting to revisit old lessons and recycle old worksheets, clean out those lesson plan notebooks and be prepared to start fresh. Often times teachers continue ineffective lessons simply because they're familiar, it's time to throw them out.

Try Something New

One of the ways to overcome job burnout is to intentionally take breaks. It's summer and there's no good reason to fill it with work. There will be a conference or two you need to attend, but do not over commit yourself to the point that you miss the vacation. There will always be something else to do. Laundry, cleaning, cooking, and all the things we come up with to do, will always be there. Plan to experience this summer, rather than count how many days are left.

Do It!

What is the "it" that has been put off? A massage? Trying a new hairstyle? Working out? Get out there and do it! Take a walk with your family after dinner, join a gym, or make that appointment starting today.

It's summer and another year is in the books, give yourself the gift of rest and relaxation.

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