Thursday, April 28, 2016

Draw them Near with Nearpod


Draw them Near with Nearpod

Anyone that has taught in a 1:1 classroom environment knows that keeping students on task can be a challenge. If you teach older students, especially middle schoolers, then you've experienced the true definition of being "off-task". One tip that I often share with teachers is to create times when devices are closed or off, it will greatly improve classroom management.

Here's where Nearpod comes in, Nearpod allows you to create presentations that are interactive. Polls, questions, quizzes, web content and the drawing board are just a few features. If you're a Google Apps for Education school, your presentations can be added seamlessly into your Google Classroom. Formative assessments are often drawn out into elaborate measures that consume valuable instructional time. When using Nearpod, teachers can embed checks for understanding along the way. At the end of each lesson, Nearpod yields a lesson report that contains valuable data that can be used for reteaching or evidence of what was taught.

In addition to creating your own presentations, there are several presentations already created with embedded assessments that are ready to use.

Take a look at, it’s free to try so you have nothing to lose. To reach gold status all you have to do is invite friends.

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