Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Recharge, Refuel, Reignite...

This time of year is usually filled with more to-do lists than opportunities for relaxation. As schools come to a close for winter break, make sure to jot down a few important reminders right before you LEAVE. Yes, LEAVE.

Give yourself permission to walk out of the building without a bag, papers, or any other items that will interfere with enjoying the time off. Let's take a cell phone for example, have you ever tried to answer texts, calls, etc. while your phone was charging? It's take longer for it to charge.

Have you ever noticed how much longer your phone stays charged when you turn off some of the app alerts? Even your phone needs a break to recharge fully.

Breaks should be a time to recharge, refuel, and reignite the flame within us. So many people lost time with loved ones and families due to busy schedules and increased demands. Time Magazine notes some interesting facts about Americans and breaks from work:

  • "Four weeks vacation is the minimum in European countries. The lone United States doesn't have any federal requirement for vacation."
  • "33% increase in the risk for stroke for those who work 55 or more hours in a week."
  • "47 hours is the average work week for most Americans."
These numbers continue to increase. Although work is a necessity for most, consider if you're working to live or living to work. The year 2016 has been a lesson for many, time waits for no one, use your time this holiday to be with the ones you love. Take a few moments to work on a hobby or craft. Have a safe and rest filled break. Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! 

Tuttle, B. (2015, September 4). 18 Numbers That Show Why American Workers Really Need a Break This Weekend. Retrieved December 13, 2016, from http://time.com/money/4008821/labor-day-statistics/