Computer labs fill up, carts get signed out, and sometimes technology simply isn’t available; however teachers can still reap the benefits of quick formative assessment with Plickers. Simply sign up for free at Using the website, click on classes. A roster can be imported or student names can be typed in manually to the newly created class. A number is automatically assigned to each student, this number matches the Plicker card. Once the class entries are completed, click on library. New folders can be added prior to adding questions for organization purposes. Simply “add question” to create an assessment.
Once everything is setup on the site, download the app to a tablet (android or iOS) or cell phone (android or iOS) and print out the Plicker card. As you launch the assessment, simply use the camera on your tablet/phone to scan each students card. Each card is unique and each student simply turns their card to the answer of their choice. Without student devices, teachers can still reap the benefits of quick analysis of formative assessment that technology provides.
Try Plickers today!